
This is why we tell stories. This is why we teach. To pass a piece of ourselves to the next generation—so that the young can aspire to cross frontiers none have crossed before.
—Dr. Jeff

This blog is for anyone who gets joy from learning and aspires to know.

Whether you’re just an intrigued visitor or a parent exploring our world with your child at home, this blog is committed to conceptual understanding at an emotional level. 

I promise to fill this Blog with wonderful content as much as i can.

From the outset this blog has 2 main themes:
1. Looking back at significant historical chapters and events as well as people who  have shaped our country, our lives, our world.  Looking at who we were and who we are, and to remind ourselves of how things used to be.

2. I believe that all of us who have survived for more than a half century have perspectives and a wealth of experience that deserve a forum.This blog is for us and about us; what it means to be living in this world. Our disappearing world: Hopefully, those who aspire to  surviving as long as we have will find something of interest here too. In time, I would hope to facilitate an Oral History collection, a ‘Down Memory Lane’  look back at how things used to be in living memory, or a generation or so beyond that. Your parents, and if you are lucky enough to have grandparents, can tell you stories of their lives and perhaps of lives going back beyond their own. Details of  ‘Ordinary’ lives, in ‘Ordinary’ surroundings and how they were lived out, are in danger of being forgotten in this high-tech age of Twitter, Facebook and Blogging. Read some of the awesome stories here and  If you have any stories or snippets , please let me know.  All will be published on this site and credited to the storyteller and the interviewer, or can be done anonymously if that works best for anyone.

Thank you for visiting – and please feel free to mail at -  theencapsulated@swissmail.com

I aim to keep my posts short, readable and informative –  if you wish to investigate in more depth, I will add references for further reading.